Monday 29 October 2012

5 Tips for Marketing on Pinterest

Everyone is aware of how quickly this new and exciting social network has taken off in the social media world. However, social media marketers everywhere are still trying to utilize for brands. So I’ve taken the time to research blogs, articles, and case studies to determine which are the most successful strategies to use in this new social media network:

Solidify Your Profile

Just like all other social media marketing networks, you need to ensure you’ve completed your Pinterest profile 100%. Ensure you put a profile picture, your brand name, your website, a description of what exactly you do, and use keywords as well for SEO purposes.

Pin Content Related to Your Brand

If you have a brand that sells baking materials such as pans, cookie cutters, etc. but your pinning content about furniture, this really isn’t going to help your SEO or your Pinterest marketing campaign. So try and Pin content that is 100% relevant to the products or services that you’re offering.


Utilize the search engine on Pinterest and search for other users who post similar content and follow them. You can follow other users too, but try to ensure you follow all the users with similar interests to yours before you follow others. This will allow you to interact with other users who are posting similar content.


Pinterest is very similar to Facebook is this sense in that you can Comment, Like, and Repin others pins/posts. So when someone posts something that you really like and it’s related to your niche, you can “like’ it and post a comment like “This is awesome!” or “Love this!”.


Use a tool such as Hootsuite (My personal fave!) or Tweetdeck to shorten URLs and track which URLs are generating the most interest on Pinterest. This will allow you to post more of what people are showing interest in. Hopefully these tips have helped you and stay tuned for more Social Media Marketing Firm , social media and search engine optimization tips from Jill MacEachern. Don’t forget to follow me at @jillmaceachern.

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