Monday 29 October 2012

5 Tips for Marketing on Pinterest

Everyone is aware of how quickly this new and exciting social network has taken off in the social media world. However, social media marketers everywhere are still trying to utilize for brands. So I’ve taken the time to research blogs, articles, and case studies to determine which are the most successful strategies to use in this new social media network:

Solidify Your Profile

Just like all other social media marketing networks, you need to ensure you’ve completed your Pinterest profile 100%. Ensure you put a profile picture, your brand name, your website, a description of what exactly you do, and use keywords as well for SEO purposes.

Pin Content Related to Your Brand

If you have a brand that sells baking materials such as pans, cookie cutters, etc. but your pinning content about furniture, this really isn’t going to help your SEO or your Pinterest marketing campaign. So try and Pin content that is 100% relevant to the products or services that you’re offering.


Utilize the search engine on Pinterest and search for other users who post similar content and follow them. You can follow other users too, but try to ensure you follow all the users with similar interests to yours before you follow others. This will allow you to interact with other users who are posting similar content.


Pinterest is very similar to Facebook is this sense in that you can Comment, Like, and Repin others pins/posts. So when someone posts something that you really like and it’s related to your niche, you can “like’ it and post a comment like “This is awesome!” or “Love this!”.


Use a tool such as Hootsuite (My personal fave!) or Tweetdeck to shorten URLs and track which URLs are generating the most interest on Pinterest. This will allow you to post more of what people are showing interest in. Hopefully these tips have helped you and stay tuned for more Social Media Marketing Firm , social media and search engine optimization tips from Jill MacEachern. Don’t forget to follow me at @jillmaceachern.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

5 Tips for Creating a Kick-Ass LinkedIn Profile

I don’t need to tell you how amazing LinkedIn has become for making great connections with others in your industry, finding jobs, and joining interesting discussions. But I also see so many people not fully utilizing this great social media network. I actually found my current job through LinkedIn so I’m a big believer in the social network and love to help users fully utilize it! Here are five tips for ensuring your profile gets noticed:

1. Use an Appropriate Profile Pic

I’ve seen some people choose profile pictures that are better off as Facebook profile pictures because they are just not appropriate. Your LinkedIn profile should be semi professional – not you doing a keg stand or partying in Cancun. You should be smiling, be appropriately dressed, and be alone in the picture with the Social Media Marketing Firm .

2. Enter Your Education Info

Potential employers who think you might be suitable for a job WILL want to see your education. So fully fill out your educational information such as what school you went to, what program you took, what extra curricular activities you were involved in. This is also great for college buds to find you on LinkedIn.

3. Go Social

LinkedIn is also great for allowing people to connect with you outside of LinkedIn such as on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. So ensure that you connect your LinkedIn profile to all of your other social media networks – as long as they are appropriate!

4. Show ALL Appropriate Job History

If you graduated with a business degree and in the past you’ve held two marketing internships and worked at four cafes – do not include your cafĂ© jobs on your LinkedIn profile! Only include jobs that are relevant to your current job search.

5. Optimize Your Summary

LinkedIn offers a Summary section on each users’ profile page and this is where search engine optimization comes into play. For the first paragraph of the Summary include a realistic summary of who you are, your experience, and your future career goals. Then add a space, and enter all the keywords that are relevant to you such as “marketing, finance, etc.”. This will not only help in LinkedIn searches, but searches on as well. These Social Media Marketing Campaign will help to improve your web presence.

Hopefully these tips have helped you and don’t forget to check out for more greatblog posts!

Wednesday 3 October 2012

5 Tips for Using Twitter Professionally

The big question most people have trouble figuring out on their own whether or not they should have one Twitter account for their personal use and one for their professional use, or just one account. The key aspect in making this decision is to determine how appropriate your tweets are on your personal account – if they are appropriate then you can combine your personal account with your professional account.

Here are five tips for using Twitter to build up your online presence:

1. Profile Picture Should be a Photo of YOU

Don’t use a photo of your business logo, a pretty picture, or whatever – use a picture of yourself so people know there is actually a real person behind the username.

2. Include Your Website or Blog in Your Bio

This is great for SEO purposes! When you are writing your bio, ensure you detail exactly what you do in your profession and include either your business website or your personal blog – whichever you want to drive traffic to.

3. DO NOT Use Auto Direct Messages

I can’t tell you how unbelievably annoying this feature is! It’s not “connecting”, it’s not polite, and from personal use, I find it extremely annoying when people who I follow automatically send me a completely automated direct message.

4. Use Hashtags When Appropriate

You don’t’ have to hashtag words such as “the” or “work”, but for terms such as “digital marketing”, “SEO”, or “Twitter”, you should always use hashtags when appropriate because that helps you show up in Twitter searches so other like-minded people can find you and connect with you

5. Utilize URL Shorteners

URL shorteners such as Hootsuite are fantastic not only for allowing you more room in your tweets to put more content, but also for allowing you to track who is clicking on your links. Sign up for Hootsuite or TweetDeck for free! I really hope these tips have helped you in your Twitter quest! For more great Social Media Marketing Campaign, check out