Tuesday 25 September 2012

3 Twitter Strategies to Increase Interactions

Twitter is one of my favorite social media networks to interact on because it offers so much more communication and less barriers than other social media networks such as Facebook. On Twitter you can follow others, you can tweet out to them, retweet what they tweeted, and reply to their tweets. It’s a great social network to find others who are interested in similar things to you and interact with people literally all over the world. So here are three strategies I’ve used successfully to increase my Twitter interactions:

Participate in Follow Fridays

One thing EVERY Twitter user loves is a shout-out. It shows that you are engaging, interacting, and are interested in connecting with others. So participate in #FollowFridays by choosing your favorite Social Media Marketing Campaign.Twitter users of the week and post a tweet using hashtab #FollowFriday with those users usernames. Great way to build relationships!

Thank New Followers

Although it is “Twitter ettequite” to follow new followers back, they don’t HAVE to do it. So usually first thing in the morning I’ll send a quick tweet out to thank all my new followers. Obviously if you have 100+ new followers each day this will be very difficult, but if you have 5-20 new followers each day, it can really help to show others you are engaging and interested in connecting. And it’s just Twitter manners!

Put a Spin on the Class Retweet

For you to just click the “Retweet” button to show that you enjoyed something is not only old-school, but it leaves little room for engagement. So instead, the next time you see a tweet that you enjoyed, copy and paste the tweet into a new tweet, place “RT”, and add a little note such as “Great article” or “I agree!”.

I hope these Social Media Marketing Firm and their tips have helped you and if you have some of your own Twitter strategies that have proven to be successful, please feel free to share in the comments below!

Don’t forget to follow me at @jillmaceachern

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